Thursday, October 11, 2007

A typical day at the Chase's

Never underestimate a good time playing in the bushes. I'm not sure what the obsession is with my kids & bushes but it's hard to pull them out.

Yes this is gross but a rare shot...usually it's Ashlyn trying to lick various dogs.

Kaden showing off on his "Big Boy Bike".


Roney Family said...

I love it!!! I am so happy I can see the kids more. And I love the picture of the four of you guys. Awesome! I know what you mean about kids and Nature. Ella is always playing with dirt, bushes and picking up sticks. Love all the pictures and I am so happy you have a blog.

Katie said...

Yea! I'm so glad you're blogging! Now we can actually keep in touch better! Those kids are so cute, give them a kiss for me.